Dear Teens, Here’s Alex!

So in my last post, I said I was going to introduce you to teens who are doing amazing things (because, yeah, teens can do amazing things and they do them everyday!) Today I’m going to tell you about a senior in high school named Alex Deans.

When he was twelve years old he saw a blind woman trying to navigate her way across a busy street. He decided to put his love of science to use. It took several years and a lot of collaboration, but Alex, inspired by bats, created a device that uses sound waves to help blind people navigate without a cane.

The people who have tested the device say it improves their confidence in navigating through the world.

Alex was twelve when he got the idea, and thank goodness no one told him that he was too young to be brilliant!

Alex had an idea. He had a dream.

What’s your’s?

The second leading cause of death for teenagers is suicide. Close to 5,000 teens take their own lives each year. That’s at least 5,000 dreams that never came true.

Make sure you have a dream. (Make sure you have a lot of them!) And don’t give up. You don’t have to be great at science. You just have to be you!

Be you!   You Matter!!!!!!!!!!

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